‘Teaching and training are unavoidable aspects of human growth. Since the dawn of civilization men have always craved for understanding everything that surround us, the whole cosmos and beyond, and in this process there always have been people – the ‘gurus, the teachers to transmit knowledge down to generations and also to create and acquire new knowledge. In this way teaching is one of the most natural and primary human acts, and everyone who knows something can teach those who want to lear something. But there are good teachers and bad ones too.
Many people believe that good teachers are born artists of communication disseminating knowledge like magic without decrying this,assumption we believe that teaching is a craft, and as with any craft, one’s performance can be bettered by careful attention to detail and technique. A good teacher can lea and practice the craft of better teaching, and by embellishing this craft he and she can import quality education mingled with the best of social and cultural values to quench the demands of growing knowledge.
MAA VINDHYAVASHINI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION is born out of the realisation of our vision stated above. We believe that every man and woman has the potentiality of becoming a teacher but we need to chisel and polish this potentiality to the best capacity for delivering quality education. We educated educators teach teacher to be, equipping them with the best of tools for communicating knowledge and for developing the personality of every student so that he or she turns out to be an ideal citizen of the society. Doubtlessly, the education of teacher hinded with the social system of any country. Twenty first centaury India, ascending heights of growth and development, demands first rate human resource for social and national amelioration to complete with the leading nations of the world. The tasks is challenging and collosal. MAA VINDHYAVASHINI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION solemnly dedicates itself to share this challenging job of producing class teachers who may raise class one human resource in demand.
Maa vindhyavashini College of Education is Approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (N.C.T.E.) and is affliated to the prestigious Vinoba Bhave University which is the sole torch bearer for the colleges in Jharkhand.